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and extend your employees digital experience?

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Special Jury Prize

Intra.NET reloaded BERLÍN


Proudly coded with our Modern Workplace accelerators for intranet.


Carreras group

Undertakes its digitalisation

With Microsoft to lead the logistics sector

The Carreras Group launches SoyCarreras, its new intranet and employee portal with the help of Modern Workplace accelerators.


What is your

company's labour


Here's a new card to measure your employees' happiness, every day, directly on your Intranet thanks to Modern Workplace.

Create your new Intranet with modern WORKPLACE

Exploit the benefits of your modern and mobile Intranet, and align your Corporate Digital Culture with your Digital Workplace.

Communicate in real-time

With the use of a multidirectional communication channel where ideas and information can be exchanged at any time, from anywhere.


Connect your team in the same working group to create a collaborative environment where you can share projects and relevant documentation.

Create employee commitment

Achieve a strong emotional connection between the team and the organization and its goals. Accelerate and lead employee engagement.

Boost productivity

Enhance information searching and simplicity with agile methods. Make the most of the apps that Microsoft 365 offers.

Discover our accelerators

Our Digital Employee Experience (DEX) experts will offer you the best functionalities to design an agile, innovative, and participative digital workspace.


With the Intranet demo, you will discover how easy and intuitive it is to generate content. You can access your Intranet from any browser or device and decide which modules you want to display, grouping them according to your preferences or location. Employees can rate and share news, videos, press releases, surveys, events, metrics, recognition, social benefits…

Los empleados participan valorando y compartiendo noticias, vídeos, documentos o encuestas, generan interacción y ayudan a hacer llegar las noticias a toda la empresa.


Customise your apps and alerts to suit your day-to-day needs. Chat with other employees, share calendars and documents, manage your tasks… Build a powerful work ecosystem with a single collaboration platform integrated into your intranet.

If you have too many Teams, SharePoint sites, or shared spaces.


Manage your company’s policies and regulations in a single place. How do you currently communicate with your employees in relation to the code of conduct or the harassment protocol?

Easily inform your employees and collate agreements in an agile way, from your office or from your mobile.


You can access dashboards that provide a 360-degree view of the company’s digital activity to know when and how your tools are being accessed and use these metrics to promote employees’ digital prowess. Manage KPIs such as the most commented news, searches performed, employee feedback, ranking of the most active employees…

Your Intranet and Digital Workplace will undoubtedly be a success if you know what brings the most value to your employees.


Increase your company’s engagement levels by focussing on your employees and generating a renewed digital experience. Set shared goals to improve their digital proficiency and strengthen your brand, independently of where they are located. 


Offer your employees a documental environment that is agile, secure, and fully integrated with Microsoft 365. With efficient searches, workflows that manage the document lifecycle correctly, and electronic signatures.

Your technical, financial, and legal departments, among many others, will thank you! – move to a paperless office with our Paperless solution!


Centralise your employees’ knowledge, expertise, and professional careers on the Intranet, connect with your classic and online training systems, and offer virtual assistants to simplify your work and enhance the company’s professional experience.

Nuestros números nos avalan

active deployments
+ 0
cost reduction in the first deployment
+ 0 %
employee empowerment workshops
+ 0
digitised employees
+ 0
development hours
+ 0

Fall in love with your Digital Workspace

Our solution is customisable, mobile, and extensible. Discover how to achieve an emotional connection with your employee through technology. Intuitive design and multiple functionalities designed for your day-to-day work.

Agile start-up

Add value to your quick wins with a unique Digital Workplace, customised and adapted to your needs in a short period of time.

Time to market

You can have your Intranet or Digital Workplace up and running in just 2-3 months.

Teamwork thinking

Integrate dynamics such as Design Thinking, Manual Thinking, or Lego Serious Play to get your employees involved.

Agile Change

Continuous evolution and adoption of the solution according to your business priorities and previously defined Governance.

Cloud Accelerators

We work with modules already developed and successfully implemented in the cloud.

Modern interface

Discover your Digital Workplace, with an attractive and intuitive design that will position the employee at the very centre.

Frequently asked questions about Intranet Modern Workplace and Digital Workplace

The modern Intranet, as we know it today, is the digital gateway for your employees, whom you want to help improve through digital transformation.


Your Intranet must be available to all employees (whether they are in the office, on the shop floor, or on the road), it must be mobile (with selected content for PC/laptop or mobile App), it must be structured in a simple way (no big hierarchies) and provide value thanks to the agility of the content and ease of use.

Communication tools, comments, social feedback, employee benefits, surveys, tools…are necessary functionalities to build your new Intranet.

The Intranet is a key element in the evolution of your corporate digital culture.

The Digital Workplace is the set of digital tools and services that the company makes available to employees to work with on a daily basis. Tools such as email, ERP (SAP, Dynamics AX…), CRM or mobile devices are part of the Digital Workplace, together with office automation tools and the Intranet.

There is a higher-level concept that encompasses both terms and that is known as employee engagement or the ‘pride of belonging’.

The level of engagement of your company is greatly increased by offering your employees a new Digital Workplace where they can work every day in a more digital and efficient way.

The Intranet is the entry point to this new Digital Workplace, making it an important aspect to focus on in order to improve employee engagement and happiness through digital transformation.

Both in the Corporate Communication and Human Resources areas as well as in IT, we can easily find needs that can be solved with the creation of a new Digital Workplace in order to improve the digitalisation (digital transformation) of the employee.


In the two first areas mentioned above, they usually pursue goals such as employee happiness and pride in being part of the company, which can be attained by having a more inclusive and participatory communication channel with all employees, whether they have a company or personal computer/mobile phone. Always keeping in mind the importance of creating a collaborative and productive ecosystem for your employees. 

On the other hand, in the IT area, they might also need to incorporate basic concepts of digitalisation such as cybersecurity, technological obsolescence, and cost reduction together with an increased use of the cloud.

In the end, all of these departments agree on the same goal: to build a modern, mobile-friendly Intranet for all employees.

The Digital Workplace strategy must be aligned with the evolution of the Corporate Culture. As such, a successful HR and Corporate Communication strategy should always incorporate the Digital Workplace strategy to ensure the transformation and change in the digital maturity of the company so it can reach all employees, independently of where they are.


In that sense, it is important to ask yourself how you can better communicate with the help of a modern and mobile Intranet and how you can increase productivity thanks to the cloud and Microsoft 365. Basically, how you can improve employee satisfaction with the help of a new Digital Workplace.

Conceptually they are equivalent; however, the Modern Workplace is the solution that Raona proposes to its customers for a fast and efficient implementation of their new Digital Workplace.

Raona’s Modern Workplace incorporates an agile working method for your new Digital Workplace, based on adoption dynamics and accelerators to improve communication and collaboration between employees as well as their productivity and pride in belonging to your company.

Many of these accelerators contribute to the fast and successful implementation of your new modern Intranet.

The services your Digital Workplace offers should put the employee at the centre, by offering a more communicative and social ecosystem that fosters multidirectional relationships.

It should also incorporate powerful information and application indexing tools to improve search time and reduce onboarding costs for new employees.

Finally, it should have resources to ensure personalisation for each employee, the incorporation of artificial intelligence and data for productivity; resources that should be able to reach all of your employees, independently of their location.

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