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Bridging the digital divide within companies

Picture of Sílvia Bernadó
Sílvia Bernadó
| 13 June, 2024

As a digital adoption and change management consultant, one of the challenges I often face is the digital divide that separates employees and technology.

There are many ways to address this challenge and facilitate a successful transition to a more digital environment, but I would like to share some of the approaches that, in my experience, work in most cases:

1. Understand the Digital Divide We Will Face

Before implementing any solution, it is essential to understand the digital divide in the specific context of each organization. What digital skills are lacking? What technological tools are necessary? What are the cultural obstacles or resistance to change? Conducting a thorough assessment is the first step.

2. Clear and Constant Communication

This is one of the keys that repeats in all successful processes, not only to address the digital divide but for any process or project that involves changes or alterations in the daily lives of employees, their work processes, and the tools they use.Explaining the “why” behind the digital change is essential to gain employees’ trust. Sometimes through workshops, talks, or informational sessions that allow us to address their concerns and show how technology can improve their daily work.

3. Personalized and Adapted Training

There is no one-size-fits-all for digital training. Adapting programs to individual needs is crucial. Some employees may require basic courses on collaboration and communication tools, while others may need advanced training in data analysis or process automation.

4. Create a Culture of Experimentation

We encourage a “trial and error” mindset. Inviting employees to explore new tools and applications. Innovation does not arise without risks.

5. Personalized Support

In many cases, it is important to establish a dedicated support team to solve problems and answer questions. This can take many forms, for example, making a booking page available to employees that allows them to have time with an expert, individually, to accompany and help them.

6. Digital Resources

It is essential to provide access to digital resources, video tutorials, and/or documentation so that employees can consult at any time and continue learning at their own pace.In short, there are many more tools we can use, depending on each case and each need. These are just some of the ones we use at Raona in our daily work. Do you want to talk about how to address the digital divide of your employees? Technology does not stop, let’s not leave anyone behind in the process!

Sílvia Bernadó

Passionate about communication and digital tools, I have been accompanying people and organizations in their digital transformation processes for years. My mission is to make the transition to digital environments smoother and more effective, getting the most out of the tools, especially Microsoft, and contributing to the long-term success of organizations. I’m here to make the digital journey exciting and successful!”

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